NEET young person finds motivation with Inspira

NEET young person finds motivation with Inspira

Jake’s Mum knew that Inspira could help her son. Concerned that Jake was NEET* and was getting stuck in a rut, she felt that Inspira would be able to help. Jake was at the stage where he knew he needed help, that he lacked motivation, wanted his CV updated and that he wasn’t sure how to apply for things.

Inspira helped to provide him with a routine; he attended weekly sessions for several weeks and undertook any agreed actions in between meetings. Together Jake and the Inspira adviser updated his CV and wrote to appropriate employers to ask for work experience to support his apprenticeship applications, then he applied for a number of positions.

"Inspira helped me with my applications and much more,” said Jake. He is hopeful that he will be able to secure an apprenticeship and his Mum can see the difference in him and is appreciative of the support provided.

Jake says that he is much more motivated, is more reliable and is surer of his next steps. Asked to rate the help from Inspira, Jake says, “ten out of ten.”

Do you need some help deciding what to do next?


*Not in education, employment or training