3 ways to use LMI to help your job search

How can local Labour Market Information (LMI) help you find your next job?

What is LMI?

LMI stands for Labour Market Information and it can be an extremely powerful tool when used to aid your job search.

LMI tells us what jobs exist, how many, and in which sectors and occupations. You can use this information to gather local intelligence on things like: where the next job opportunities are likely to arise, how people are moving between employers; and what the local skills gaps are.

Top websites for Cumbria LMI:

Cumbria Observatory

Cumbria LEP



Three tips for using LMI in your job search:

Tip 1

Use LMI to find out where the jobs are. Take a look at the sectors, occupations and localities where job opportunities are on the increase, and what skills are needed for them.

Tip 2

LMI can help you identify the skills you might require. What are the skills gaps reported by local employers? Are these skills something you need to develop? Or, if you already possess them, consider how to give them more focus on your job applications and during interviews.

Tip 3

Use LMI to make career decisions. You can use LMI to find out about pay levels, job security and upcoming local opportunities in different sectors; all of which will help you to make realistic and informed career decisions.

Need help to find your next job? Call 0345 658 8647 to make a free appointment with one of our advisers or call into your local Inspira Centre.