Helpful info about apprenticeships

Apprenticeships are an amazing opportunity you might want to consider if you want to be employed, earn money while training or if you’d prefer to be more hands-on with less study time. Apprenticeships are available across the country in a massive range of job areas.

What industries offer apprenticeships:

The range of sectors that offer apprenticeships is increasing each year, here are some of the most popular:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Construction
  • Business Administration
  • Nursery Nursing
  • Childcare
  • Hospitality

What is available within apprenticeships?

Vacancies depend on the size and type of employer as not all job types will be in your area. This may mean you'll need to broaden your search. Apprenticeships are available at four different levels:

  1. Intermediate – equivalent to five good GCSE passes. (This is a great starting point for anyone 16 or over wanting to learn some basic skills. They usually last one or two years and will give you an equivalent NVQ level 2/BTEC.)
  2. Advanced – equivalent to two A-Level passes.
  3. Higher – equivalent to the first stages of higher education, can be up to level 7. Not necessarily at a lower level than degree apprenticeships. (Entry requirements often call for are A-levels or equivalent. Some employers say that they will accept GCSE’s but check with the employer or training provider for more info.)
  4. Degreethis level gives you an undergraduate degree once completed and even better you’ll have all the skills-based learning as well.

Things to consider when applying for an apprenticeship:

  • There are often entry requirements - However, if you don’t have the grades asked for but you do have relevant experience the door may still be open. Contact the employer or training provider to discuss your options.
  • When it comes to applying prepare well in advance. Vacancies often have closing dates.

Top tips from Inspira Advisers!

  • There are lots of different kinds of apprenticeships to choose from, all within reputable companies. - However, not all companies are reputable so doing your research is important.
  • Be enthusiastic about going to work and show the skills you’ve already got.
  • If you're applying for an apprenticeship, expect competition - but don't let this discourage you - preparing your CV and interview skills will help you ace the application process.
  • Know what you want and what you have to offer.
  • Go the extra mile, try different approaches, and follow up until you get a definitive yes or no.

If you think an apprenticeship might be for you, get in touch with an Inspira Adviser for free 1:1 expert career advice today.

Want to learn more about apprenticeships, check out our blogs:

Earn while you learn in an apprenticeship

I need help to apply for apprenticeships

Resilience is a key skill for apprentices

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