Interview coaching leads to job success

We are seeing an increase in requests for careers advice from older job-seekers. Some believe that they cannot have a career past age 50 and are limited to entry level roles. However, these individuals are vital and valuable in the workplace. Find out how we helped Bill...

Bill, a 65-year-old who had been retired for three years, was seeking part-time employment due to financial pressures.

Despite his extensive experience in the transport and health care sectors, he was apprehensive and concerned about his age being a barrier to future employment.

As he had an interview coming up for a role as a Market Supervisor for a local council, his JCP Job Coach referred him for careers advice appointment.

During the session he received advice on how to highlight his past work experiences and the many benefits of being an older worker.

His Careers Adviser, Adam conducted a mock interview and provided feedback with suggestions for improvement. They discussed potential interview questions and effective ways to answer them. Adam also signposted Bill to useful online resources to help him prepare, such as the National Careers Service, Inspira and Indeed websites.

After the appointment, Bill felt more confident, empowered and prepared for his interview, which was a success and he was offered the job. Bill expressed gratitude towards his adviser for their support and understanding of the challenges faced by those who are over 50 and long-term unemployed.

Bill said: “I achieved my goal, and I am now in employment! My adviser was very supportive, and I am very grateful for the advice and direction given, to help me to prepare for and be successful at the interview.”