Top tips to ace your interview

1) Be prepared

Leading up to an interview there are a lot of things to consider, but the most important is to be prepared. One of the most popular questions employers ask is “why do you want to work for us?”

It is therefore important that you research the company, look at their website, their recruitment pages and their social media or request a company brochure, so that you are able to answer this question effectively.

2) Answering competency-based questions

Many businesses will ask candidates to use the STAR methods for answering competency-based questions.

The STAR response method to answering these questions helps the interviewer know that you're the right candidate for the job. Using this method allows you to provide concrete examples or proof that you possess the experience and skills for the role you have applied for and enables you to share examples of how you successfully handled situations.

STAR stands for– Situation, Task, Action, Result.

3) Body Language

Appearance counts during interviews—not only how you dress, but also how you carry yourself. Even if your responses to questions are flawless, the wrong body language can send the wrong signal and sour how you're perceived.

Want to find out more about interviews? Check out our Interview Skills Guide 2023.

Anyone at any stage can massively benefit from preparing for interviews. Helping you put your best foot forward and sell yourself to a potential employer. Inspira’s Career Advisers can give you free 1:1 expert career advice today. Click the Get in touch button to be connected to an adviser.

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