I want to return to work after raising children

Trying to find any kind of employment in today's job market is tough. But for mums returning to work after children, the task can seem impossible.

If you are worried about returning to work after children and feel like you need some help to regain your confidence, discover new ways to promote yourself and understand the skills you have gained during your career break – we can help.

Our advisers offer advice and practical support to help you find the right opportunities. Here are some examples of things we can do:

  • Help you with decisions and planning to explore the best route back to work
  • Help you review your skills and abilities, including the soft skills you will have picked up throughout your career break
  • Improve your CV and interview skills
  • Refer you to other organisations and useful events
  • Help to get you back into the work habit
  • Build your confidence
  • Enable you to make the best use of the resources available to you
  • Explore funding for courses
  • Help you update professional qualifications
  • Introduce you to potential employers

To find out more about this free service, call 0345 658 8647 to talk to your nearest adviser or fill out the form and we will get in touch.